Born in 1961, living and working in Ostrava Jiri Suruvka, working in the area of performance since 1988, founder of a performance group Vorkapelle Lozinski(with P.Lysacek), leader and writer of performance cabarett "Fun masters comeback", member of the art group "Frantisek Lozinski, o.p.s."(with P.Lysacek and F.Kowolowski) .Working also as painter, new media artist.Professor of New Media class in the Faculty of Art, Ostrava University. Content of my work is mostly ironicaland selfirnical, with black humor, with moral message, socially angagement. "I was born in Ostrava in 1961. After graduating from high-school, I worked in various professions, did my military service and didn't finish various schools. Then I graduated from the Philosophical Faculty of the Ostrava University, majoring in Czech and arts. For two years, I was teaching at the Secondary Applied Arts School and now I work part time at the Arts Institute of the Ostrava University. I am a liberal artist and a disabled pensioner part time." |  | 