Siobhan MULLEN


Siobhán MULLEN, United Kingdom

Lives and works in Belfast.

Siobhán Mullen is an artist living in Northern Ireland, working in performance, digital video and interactive installation. Her work explores the politics of identity through location, using the body as a constructed site of dwelling. Conscious and unconscious actions are used to examine this theme in terms of movement, an unfixing of origin that questions the authenticity and instability of “I” as a social construct.

Mullen has exhibited and performed both locally and internationally. Past projects include work with Bbeyond Belfast, Là-bas at Taidehalle, Kunsthalle/ The Museum of Comtemporary Art, Helsinki and Infr’action, International Performance festival, Sete. She has also collaborated with musicians and composers including Pulse-The Sound Source, Institute of Contemporary Art, London.

Her Digital work has been screened in the UK, France, Spain, Germany, Turkey, New Zealand and Cuba.

Siobhan Mullen. Infr'Action Sète. 2006. © Infr'Action and the artist.
Siobhan Mullen. Infr'Action Sète. 2006. © Infr'Action and the artist.