Monali MEHER


Monali MEHER, India

Lives and works in Amsterdam.

'This is not a Performance, it is a Statement'.

(Camera, editing by Arno Zaman)

‘This is not a Performance, it is a Statement’, this video is a collection of momentary fragments and transitory metaphors, spontaneously created by keeping a perspective of each second. Accumulation of a mediated video and audio frames controlled by media technologies create universality, velocity and remnants of our being.Abruptness is intentional, in order to experience fictive reality, emotions and interactivity through videocast.

Time as a factor, is central to my practice, which is extended, assembled and captured whether in a wrapped object or a performance. Performances are atmospheric, repetitive, sometimes ritualistic & therapeutic actions; frequently involve props of various natures. They show the cyclical circles of destruction and renewal, as well as formal and conceptual ideas within the framework of personal references. Through these manifestations, I deconstruct the narratives related to them and set a new challenge for experience, understanding and research. Creating new identities, reshaping belongings, intimacy, a dialogue of matter and memory, the aspects of continuity, vulnerability, temporality and public involvement are also inherent qualities that inform my art practice.

Graduated BFA Sir J. J. School of arts, Mumbai. International residencies: ‘Unesco -Aschberg’ Vienna 1998, Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten 2000-‘01, Amsterdam, KHOJ New Delhi 2004, VASL Karachi, 2008, ComPeung, Thailand 2011, ‘Casa Masaccio’Italy 2012. LIVE funds 2009, BKVB Amsterdam. Performed and exhibited at: Tate modern, Sinop Biennale Turkey, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Art Dubai, ‘Rebelle’, MMKA Arnhem, NRLA Glasgow, Prague Biennale 5th, MAXXI museum Rome, Guangzhou Live, China, Infr’action Sete, France, LA 7 Gothenburg Sweden, IPA Istanbul Modern Museum, 4th Thessaloniki Biennale, University UFO & Sustainability 2014, Ghent, Venice International cinema and performance art, Bochum kunstmuseum Germany, ICASTICA ’13, Arezzo Biennial, received ‘Golden Chimera Award’ for innovation and originality, 2016 ‘Ritual Traces’ SAWCC New York, Beijing Live, Biennale Arte Dolomiti, Italy, DAK’ART 2016. 2017 Kathmandu Triennale, Manifesta HQ Amsterdam, 2018 ‘Connecting Threads’ BDL museum Mumbai, 2019 Stedelijk kunstakademie, Kunstroute Waregem, and ‘Walking’s New Movements’, University Plymouth, UK. 2020 Kunsthal Ghent, Belgium, Museum Arnhem & Cobra Museum, Netherlands. Her work has been published in books like: ‘Student Body’ by Marina Abramovic, ‘Shifting Map’, ‘RAIN’ project by RABK, ‘Third Text’, ‘Love & Death’, Egon Schiele catalogue, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, ‘Cleaning the house’ , NMAC foundation, Spain. For the last 9 years she has been working with performances, video, photography, Installations. Since year 2000, she is based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Monali Meher
Monali Meher. Visiting Pearl. Guangzhou Live 2011. © Guangzhou Live & the artist